Sci-Fi Metal: Xoth - Interdimensional Invocations


A big eye appears in the sky, tentacles and slime, worshipped by a cult.

This cover is absolutely amazing and was the reason to order this LP. It's been a few weeks ago, that I saw this article on TOXIC METAL ZINE with the announcement of a vinyl release. I remember that Xoth was already mentioned on Banger TV in October 2019 by Blayne Smith and give it again a quick listen and directly ordered it.

This week the LP finally arrived.

Direct on to the turntable and crank up the volume. The records starts with a strange, high guitar riff which offers directly a "space" feeling and kicks right after into a nice death metal sound. The second song - "Mountain Machines" - is my favourite one. I love the melodic parts, which are guiding you through the whole song. I wish the song was twice as long, can't get enough of it.

Well, and the rest? I think I have to learn a lot how to describe a metal record, so I just say: Awesome and just listen to it.

So, if you want to listen to this awesome piece of music, you can get it on


or order your LP at Dawnbreed Records:


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