
Showing posts from November, 2020

Fabric of Metal | The Heavy Metal Democracy Project

Banger TV is planning a new Show and it is up to us which one they will produce. I hope it will be "Fabric of Metal".

A metal journey: In the beginning there was no metal.

In the beginning, there was no metal. The jacket was empty and bold. But then, in a dark and stormy November night, a new metalhead was born. His arrival was announced by a huge thunderstruck and world stands still for a second. But I took 18 more years until he unleashed his whole potential of listening to brutal music.... Well, my story starts not exactly like that. The weather indeed was nice, about 3°C and the sun was shining. But indeed, I discovered heavy metal very late at the age of 18. It was the birthday of one of my best friends, his 18th. I asked him what I could get him as a present and the answer was: Iron Maiden - Brave new world. He was very happy as he opened his present and put the record right on. It was my very first time listening to metal and it was awesome. Until that I listened most of the time to rock & pop music. Most of the time it was rock, because my parents are huge Rolling Stones fans and listen to a lot classic rock in general. So I listened to, o